Theatrical discourse, Aesthetic training, Art book, Early childhoodAbstract
This article discusses aesthetic formation in early childhood through a dialogue with the book Tombolo do Lombo, written and illustrated by André Neves, and published by Editora Paulinas. The research is guided by the following questions: Does the children’s art book promote the baby's encounter with an aesthetic formation? What potential dialogues emerge between art, literature, and aesthetic formation in the interaction of the first reader with the literary work? To discuss such questions the study employs Arts-Based Educational Research, recognizing art as a scientific construction capable of inquiry through its inherent subjectivity. Additionally, the article uses Dialogic Discourse Analysis, a perspective that has its main theoretical-methodological anchor in the studies of Bakhtin and the Circle. By analyzing theatrical discourse from a dialogical perspective, the study highlights the potential of aesthetic and cultural formation for babies, considering their interactions with their environment, families, and school.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jean Carlos Gonçalves, Caroline Carvalho, Carla Carvalho
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.