O feminino sacralizado e a violência de gênero no Cariri: do processo-crime à poesia
In this article, we discuss the common discursive elements of gender contained in the discourses of Catholic religion, law, school, and literature that circulated in the Cariri region in the twentieth century and, to some extent, relate to narratives around women. popularly sanctified in that region. The process of popular sanctification of the female in Cariri has been historically built and is related to the Catholic penitential discourse and the gender violence still recurrent in contemporary times. Theresults presented here are the result of a historical research, being the analysis based on the theoretical productions of Cultural History. The sources are multiple and come from Oral History through the production of interviews, documentary collection including judicial sources, Cordel Literature, schooldocuments and photographs. The decision to broaden the range of sources and analyze them together was due to the thematic complexity and the impetus to build some understandings regarding the impact of discursive construction on the feminine in the symbolic production of women's holiness in that locus. Science, the school, the Criminal Procedure, Literature and the Catholic Church are instruments for the dissemination of values, guide the circulation of ideals and social representations and were important vehicles for the appropriation and representation of the feminine. Despite the various normative and scientific productions that deal with gender autonomy and the social changes that enable greater femaleperformance in the public sphere in recent decades,we observe that in Cariri from Ceará the representation of the feminine is still propagated in a way related to the ideals of nuclear family and the plan of culture is instrumentalized around the values and roles of Gender consolidated two centuries ago. This representative construction contributes to the maintenance of roles and gives vent to gender violence.Downloads
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How to Cite
BARRETO, P. de L. N.; HOLANDA, P. H. C. O feminino sacralizado e a violência de gênero no Cariri: do processo-crime à poesia. Saeculum, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 41 (jul./dez.), p. 248–266, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2019v24n41.47241. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/srh/article/view/47241. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.
Dossiê: Mulheres, gênero e sertanidades