Management of political passions:
a brief approach to the use of resentment in political demands in the perspective of Pierre Ansart
Management, Feelings, Politics, Resentments, Marine Le PenAbstract
The objective of this paper is to analyze the importance of resentments for political demands. The analysis is based on that of Pierre Ansart, launched in his 1983 book La gestion des passions politiques and developed throughout his career, in which he seeks to address the importance of emotions, feelings, affections, and passions in the institutions, decisions, and political facts and which are part of the everyday experience. Starting from the proposal of the French thinker, dialoguing with other perspectives and developments, in connection with History, that focus on affective demands and especially resentments, the article uses as a concrete case the management of feelings promoted by Marine Le Pen, president of the far right party Front National in his attempt to rise to the top of the French Republic. In the investigation, special attention is paid to the Mont-Saint-Michel pronouncements.
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