Da prática para o ensino e deste para a pesquisa. Ou não? Sobre heranças, desafios e perspectivas da tradução alemão/português no Brasil




translator’s training, interaction between translation theory and practice


In this study, divided into three parts, I begin by looking back at the paths of German/Portuguese translation in Brazil. This helps me locate and order the fields of practice, training and research as follows: initially an intermittent practice, developed from the middle of the 19th century until its partial systematization in a praxiology around the 1970s; from this the need (and the response) in the almost simultaneous creation of courses aimed at the training of translators; and from this institutionalization of training to the first outlines of a Brazilian research in translation. In linking of these steps, I see both the evolution of the relationship between language and translational skills and the transformation of the concept of translation, resulting from interactions with related fields, particularly linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies and research on specialized languages. Secondly, and in a more synchronous vein, I recognize and welcome the diversity of approaches to the issue of translation at the different levels of training and professional areas, but question both the disproportionate importance given in each area, in terms of the position, in my opinion secondary, of the knowledge of languages involved (here German and Portuguese), and the process of submission to the dictates of a market and the obstacles of an educational policy that favours productivity, often at the expense of the quality of training. Finally, I make some predictions on the promising areas of training and research and, while recognizing the autonomy of the areas covered in this study, postulate the exploration of interfaces between them and the recognition (and acceptance) of local features as the only viable way towards the consolidation of a disciplinary field which both reflects a pluralistic Brazil and responds, not always in agreement, to the challenges of an increasingly globalized world.


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