occupying the margins of remote teaching for pedagogic-curricular dynamization
Remote Teaching, Pandemic, Didactics, CurriculumAbstract
The text consists of a reflective essay structured by questions about the scenario of pedagogical practices inaugurated by remote education. The contradictions of the implementation of remote education are critically explored, considering, on the one hand, its condition as a possible strategy for educational action in the context of the pandemic, and, on the other hand, the risks arising from the reinforcement of a individualizing, prescriptive and standardized pedagogical-curricular approach. Assumptions of pedagogical assumptions are pointed out, based on the belief that the school social function and school learning are not reduced to the individual performance of students in scheduled tasks and that the teaching mediation requires building an atmosphere of interaction, collaboration and critical thinking. The legitimacy of the school is advocated as a space for the formation of plural sociability that demands presence as a learning device.
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