everyday life practices woven in/with university networks
Everyday life practices, Technologies, Education, Communication, NetworksAbstract
The research carried out as part of the postdoctoral internship at PPGMPE-UFES objectively mapped the possibilities for expanding education in networks of know-how mediated by communication technologies. It uses the everyday method in the perspectives of Certeau, Ferraço and Alves in consonance with Morin's complexity hermeneutics, in order to experiment with technologies in networks, as ways to promote education in networks, as well as to bring back the learning created in this texture to a classroom. We conclude that mediation spaces such as the podcast, Tiktok, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest infographics, Whatsapp, as well as the printed book and academic events are some, among many, technologies capable of attracting attention and people's hearts for education, while re-signifying everyday practices, providing differences over repetitions, often (un)learned in pedagogical routines.
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