Early Childhood Education., Evaluation., National Common Curricular Base., Inventive learning.Abstract
In times of implementation of the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC), which interferes directly in the tripod Curriculum, Teacher Training and Evaluation, this article questions the evaluation procedures in addition to a classification logic. As a problematic field questions how to establish, in advance, evaluation criteria for Early Childhood Education, if one never knows in advance how one will learn? As theoretical intercessors mobilizes the studies of Carvalho (2009, 2012); Deleuze (2003; 2007); Esteban; Lacerda (2012); Kohan (2005); Lopes (2015); Sousa (1997, 2014). Methodologically, it organizes a documentary problematization, based on the educational legislation for Early Childhood Education and the BNCC, as well as for the follow-up of the records of other possible writings of the learning processes produced by teachers of a Child Education Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo.First, it presents a brief history of how legislative and evaluation processes were constituted in Early Childhood Education; later, it talks about learning and evaluation as a processual and relational; makes a bet on the inventive learning provided by the encounters in everyday school life; Finally, it criticizes the imposition of previously established criteria for the evaluation of childhood learning, such as those that stand out in the BNCC. Therefore, there is no way to determine how someone learns, and it is necessary to invest in evaluation processes where teachers and students are co-authors of teaching and learning, in addition to the quantifiable and dichotomous logic that predominates in Education.
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