Democratic Management, Popular Education, University ExtensionAbstract
In this paper we talk about an extension experience that took place at the Federal University of Paraíba, which occurred in order to articulate the Prolicen / 2019 and Probex / 2019 projects. It is a practical-reflective report on the construction of strategies for mobilization and approach of basic education professionals interested in the theme of democratic management from a popular education perspective. On the methodological level, we dialogued with Marques (2016) who brings practical suggestions for carrying out fieldwork, based on participant observation. Conceptually, we talked about popular education with Freire (1983) and Brandão (2008); in the field of democratic management we rely on Luck (2009) and Paro (2001); to think about university extension we used the contributions of Cruz (2011) and Moura (2017). As a result of the extension action with 64 education workers in the city of João Pessoa, we were able to conclude that even in the face of a diversity of training profiles and different areas of activity, there is a significant interest in the subject in general and its specific developments, which take place in the management of basic, curricular and school education, from the perspective of popular education.
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