Sobre a noção de estereótipo e as imagens do Brasil no exterior


  • Danilo Lopes BRITO UFRJ


Stereotype, Contemporaneity, Brazilian music, Italian media


The discourses concerning Brazil around the world are not few. The country has been recently often mentioned in international contexts due to, among others, economic, political and cultural reasons. The ways according to which this land is presented are however diverse, so that some stereotypes, both older and more recent, are still part of the media. In order to understand it better, the present paper analyses the concept of stereotype and its different manifestations and, thus, deals with the international discourse about Brazil. So, the music criticism related to an Italian label is took as example – for its discourses reveal many questions about the way Brazil is seen by others – not only in matters of artistic production, but also marketing.


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Referências fonográficas

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DI NUZZO, Alessandro. L’estate è qua. In: MAGNANINI, Alessandro. Someway Still I Do. Milão: Schema Records, 2009. 1CD. Faixa 9.

