A configuração do tempo e da memória no romance e na adaptação fílmica de To the Lighthouse


  • Rosângela Neres Araújo da SILVA UEPB


Virginia Woolf, Time and memory, Adaptation


The adaptation of subjective categories from literature to cinema has shown large investment in symbolic elements on the plastic language, offering subsidies to a poetical recreation of thematic and temporal spheres. This recreation, according to Chatman (1990), is possible through the filters that maintain the necessary subjectivityto the adaptation of interior perception processes. In this way, our research presents the results of a comparative study between the novel To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf, and its homonymous filmic adaptation, by Colin Gregg, aiming theconstruction of temporal structures analysis, in both narratives, and the meaning effects investigation resulting from the dialogue between the medias. For that, anchored on the critical, theoretical and methodological studies by Hutcheon (2011), Ricoeur (2010), Martin (2007), Draaisma (2005), Bergson (2006), Hussey (2000), Marcus (1997), among other authors, we show the strategies construction that interfere on time and memory configuration significantly, their subjective constraints and symbolic representation. We observe that memory materialization process, on the novel adaptation, is mainly made of symbolic elements related to the interior perception duration, when accessed through a sensorial stimulus, bringing to spectator the possibility of the temporal constraints contemplation and its meaning construction.


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Revista Graphos, vol. 17, n° 1, 2015 | UFPB/PPGL | ISSN 1516-1536 1 90

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VIRGINIA WOOLF’S TO THE LIGHTHOUSE. Direção: Colin Gregg. Produção: BBC-TV e Colin Gregg Films LTD, 1983. DVD (115 min), Widescreen, color, sem legendas. Distribuição: Monterey Media Inc.

