O Gato e a Árvore: care in the formation of readers of images
Early Childhood Education, Children literature, Picture book, Mediation, PNBE 2014Abstract
This paper discusses and defines the visual narratives present in collections intended for child education of the School Library National Program (PNBE) 2014. The text analyzes the narrative sequence proposed in the picture book O gato e árvore, by Rogério Coelho. Then, it shows how 4-year-old children received and interacted with the visual text, from mediation situations intentionally planned by one of the authors. O gato e árvore proved to be a precious cultural object that can generate autonomy, interaction and freedom of understanding among small students. The results point to the contributions of reading images in the daily lives of children of preschool age and also reinforce the role of the mediating teacher in the formation of the student as a visual reader.
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