School reading books in late 19th and early 20th centuries: an analysis of Livro I from Braga Series and the literary reader formation
Reading books, Série Braga, Erasmo Braga, Reader formationAbstract
This paper discusses the role that school reading books, seen as a cultural object in the school context, played in the formation of literary readers in Brazil. Taking Livro I of Braga Series, the discussions focus on a historical-contextual approach regarding reading books at the end of the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century. Analysis evinced intertwined themes that were present in education such as family, school and nation. Families were seen as a microcosm of Brazil, as it had the family as its seed in the republican context. School was placed as the intermediate element that served as an extension of the family, having the mission of preparing citizens for the republic that was formed in the first decades of the 20th century. The theoretical axis of this investigation comprises history of Brazilian books for young people (ARROYO, 2011; COELHO, 2010; LAJOLO, ZILBERMAN, 2010; ZILBERMNA, 2003) and history of reading books in Brazil (SILVA, 2012; MONARCHA, 2001; LEITE, 2001; PUCCIA, 2003).
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