The non-fiction novel in parallax: two possible readings of Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood
Literary genres, In cold blood, Readings, Nonfiction novelAbstract
Through a discussion about the double discursive nature of In cold blood (1965), by Truman Capote, this paper presents two possible readings for the icon genre of American literary journalism. The first reading unveils the features that would make “non-fiction novel” a genre, as suggested by Capote; while the other would withhold this nomenclature. The readings are also the basis for the problematization of the conflict in terms of genre. Reader-Response Criticism is used to evaluate the relations of text, context and reading, as advocated by Richard Beach (1993), as well as to exam the features that highlight the nuances of socio-historical character and structure of the referenced elements. These features are considered according to the production atmosphere of the work, as highlighted by some analysts. Analyses are based on Beach (1993), on the readings of the novel made by Jesse Brady (2006), Thompkins (1968), Gerald Clarke (1989) and Ralph Voss (2011).
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