thinking the about the document based on Paulo Freire
Education, Democracy, EmancipationAbstract
Brazil is a country marked by the institutionalization of the curriculum, where this document is given too much importance, one of the ways of controlling the action of educational institutions by the State, as well as the teacher's action, not only being a guideline, but an authoritarian way of demarcating the control of teaching professionalism. In this sense, more democratic alternatives for the formulation of curricula are necessary, and the Freirian theory of Liberating Education presents itself as one of the possibilities. Thus, this article aims to present and describe the assumptions of the curriculum within Liberating Education. To this end, this research is of a qualitative nature, descriptive level, with a deductive bibliographic research approach. In all, 12 assumptions necessary to the formulation of a liberating curriculum were found. Although some criteria have a greater qualitative importance than others, they all compose the same political-educational praxis, and it is not possible to dissociate or neglect them in the process of formulating the document. Thus, radical democracy is the criterion that guides all the others, being epistemically present in the goals, means, justifications, and the whole theoretical-practical set that makes up the liberating praxis. No truly liberating education along the lines of Paulo Freire can be antidemocratic, antidialogical, segregationist, antidialectic, or banking.
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