analysis of curriculum designs for training rural educators
Rural Education, Natural Sciences and Agroecology, CurriculumAbstract
The objective of this article was to analyze different degrees in rural education (LEDOCs) in terms of the forms of their curricular designs. What motivated this analysis was the movement of the educational policy of the Support Program for Higher Education in Rural Education (PROCAMPO), which inserted curricular innovations such as Pedagogical Alternation and training by knowledge area. In this way, the Pedagogical Projects of Courses of sixteen institutions were analyzed with regard to: a) the debate around the area of knowledge; b) the debate on agroecology and (c) the choice of each course and the curriculum design to work with interdisciplinarity and provide multidisciplinary training by area of knowledge. The analysis was guided by the curricular texts and the matrices developed. From the analysis of the data, what was noticed is that a minority of courses bring more in-depth debates on Natural Sciences and Agroecology in their projects. It was also noticed a diversity of curricular formats that were organized in three different curricular designs. In general, what can be understood is that PROCAMPO boosted curricular innovations in Brazilian Universities and contributed to the establishment of curricular diversity in undergraduate courses.
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