University Extension, Teacher Education, Educational ActionAbstract
The article analyzes the reverberation of training actions, developed with teachers in initial and continuing education, as well as students of Basic Education through two Extension projects of a public Brazilian state university. Based on qualitative research, we carried out this study and analyzes based on participant observation, documentary analysis and interviews with project members about their perceptions in relation to the theme at hand. Reference authors such as Freire (1982), Tardif (2007), Libâneo (2001), Goergen (2010), among others, support this work. Based on the study, we concluded that the research, which took place through these projects of applicability of extension practices, met and socialized, with those involved, the integrative strategies between school and university. Extension is a way for the university to fulfill its social role and the formation of citizens in the community, allowing access to various types of knowledge and, with that, the expansion of the cultural repertoire of the subjects involved.
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