Autonomy. Canon. Specters. Pedagogical knowledge.Abstract
This article discusses issues related to how future teachers deal with the need to construct pedagogical knowledge, usually characterized by some anxiety for finding assumptions and fundamentals translatable into pragmatic developments. The main issue is an opposition between taking theoretical references centered on canons in the field of Education or updating spectralities that can mean constituent contagions. The search for fundamentals and the creation of upgradeable plurivocities are different ways of searching for knowledge that can influence the qualification of teachers. It seems that the consequences of this process are a repeated practice of referentiality or the motivation to reflective and more autonomous reading and writing postures. Theoretical dialogues are established with Merleau-Ponty, Derrida and Rancière, from which the ideas of research such as autonomous work, justice with specters that can return and the update of the defense of autonomy and equality of intellects proposed by Jacotot are highlighted.
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