Literatura e acolhimento:



  • Francilda Inácio
  • Girlene Marques Formiga Instituto Federal da Paraíba


Keywords: Children's and young adult literature; literary reading; reading mediators; reception; migrants and refugees.


A global and long-lasting phenomenon, migration has been intensified due to the most varied conflicting and tension-generating events around the world, such as armed conflicts, especially in the Middle East, terrorist actions, violation of human rights, famine, wars, natural disasters and acute economic, political and social difficulties, such as those that have occurred in our neighbor, Venezuela, which led to the fleeing of thousands of Venezuelans towards some countries in South America, such as Colombia, Peru and Brazil, in search of jobs and better living conditions. Home to more than 250,000 Venezuelans by the end of 2020, Brazil is certainly one of the countries that most receive this population. Considering the ability to promote the literary text to create a welcoming environment, this paper discusses the validity of the literary approach in difficult contexts, such as migratory contexts. In this sense, the main purpose of this research is to present actions from the Workshop "ACOLHE(LENDO): A mediação leitora em contextos de migração e refúgio” - aimed at future reading mediators, held between August and October 2021 - and more specifically, together with the participants of this workshop, to reflect on the perceptions of methodological approaches developed throughout the activities. We designed a descriptive-exploratory field research with a quantitative-qualitative approach, based on the studies of Petit (2008; 2009; 2013; 2018), Arizpe et al. (2004), Arizpe (2002; 2012; 2018), Candido (1995), among others, more specifically with regard to theoretical-methodological approaches to literary works. The results obtained showed the success achieved by the workshop and the awareness, on the part of its participants, that literature is an instrument for meeting and welcoming people.


Keywords: Children's and young adult literature; literary reading; reading mediators; reception; migrants and refugees.



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Author Biography

Francilda Inácio

Francilda Araújo Inácio - Drª em Letras e Linguística – Instituto Federal da Paraíba –


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How to Cite

INÁCIO, F.; FORMIGA, G. M. Literatura e acolhimento:: LITERATURE AND RECEPTION: READING MEDIATION IN MIGRATION AND REFUGEE CONTEXTS. Revista Temas em Educação, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 1, p. e-rte331202401, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.

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