1. TEMAS EM EDUCAÇÃO is a four-monthly (online) journal, starting in 2019, of the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), open access and free submission to the author (s). It publishes original and unpublished articles that focus its discussions in the area of Education, result from scientific research and prioritize analyzes of concrete practices or controversial and updated debates in the area, in addition to book reviews, interviews, essays and thematic dossiers.
  2. The magazine receives articles in continuous flow.
  3. Articles may be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with their respective titles, abstracts and keywords.
  4. The name of the authors must not appear in the body of the article. It is requested to eliminate excerpts that hinder the guarantee of anonymity in the evaluation and identification data in the document properties.
  5. All authors must associate the registration number in the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), in their registration profile in the journal, to effect the submission.
  6. Each article submission can have a maximum of three authors. At least one of the authors is required to have a doctorate. The article, resulting from a Master's dissertation and a PhD thesis, may have a maximum of two authors.
  7. Articles must have between 15 and 20 pages and include an abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish, between 150 and 200 words, with an indication of three to five keywords in each language.
  8. The text must be submitted to the Journal using Word files, with the following specifications: A4 size paper (21cm X 29.7cm), space 1.5, 2.5 cm top, bottom, right and left margins. The text must not be identified, and its title must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  9. About the illustrations - figures, graphs, charts, tables, flowcharts, drawings etc. -with their respective order number and title, they should only be used when they are essential to the clarity of the text, by mentioning the original source, when previously published, and must be in the body of the text.
  10. Footnotes - or notes at the end of the text - should be avoided. They are only recommended on the first page, to indicate aid received, origin of the work, presentation at events or similar notes, when necessary.
  11. RTE makes TEMPLATE available for the proper adjustment of the article to the magazine's rules.
  12. Acknowledgments for aids received by the author (s) can be mentioned at the end.
  13. Translations submitted for publication must be accompanied by written authorization from the author of the original work and the editor.
  14. The authors are responsible for the CORRECTION of the Portuguese language, before sending the articles; in the supplementary item, a statement from the article reviewer must be added, with institutional affiliation and the CPF to sign the declaration.
  15. Present, in the annex, DECLARAÇÃO DE ORIGINALIDADE, according to the model below:

                     In compliance with Law No. 9,610, of February 19, 1998, and Law No. 12,853, of August 14, 2013, I DECLARE that the article submitted to TEMAS EM EDUCAÇÃO (cite the name of the submitted article) is my authorship and does not infringe copyright, according to Art. 184 of the Criminal Civil Code, Law 10.406 / 2002. Place and date.

Signature of the author (s)

  1. The TEMAS EM EDUCAÇÃO magazine fits into the ethics policy regarding the ethical principles of research in Human and Social Sciences, as determined by Resolution No. 510, of April 7, 2016.
  2. Authors and co-authors of articles and reviews published in the journal will have at least two years to submit new works for publication.
  3. The originals received are submitted for the appreciation of the Commission and / or ad hoc rejerees. The Editorial Committee is responsible for the final decision to publish the originals and to adopt, under any circumstances, the blind review system.
  4. Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the  Creative Commons Attribution License which allows the sharing of the work with recognition of the authorship of the work and initial publication in this magazine.
  5. The concepts and opinions issued by the authors are their sole responsibility.


Rules for the Presentation of Originals

 The originals sent to the TEMAS EM EDUCAÇÃO magazine must follow the rules of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT), especially those that follow:


References for an author, example book:

SURNAME, Name, surname (if any). Book's title. Edition number, vol. (if any), city, publisher name and year of the book.

ROCHA, T. The best of ABNT standards. São Paulo: Publisher, 2016.


References for two authors:

ROCHA, T .; ROCHA, M. The best of ABNT standards. 2. ed. São Paulo: Publisher, 2016.


References when there are more than three authors in a consulted work: You must use the Latin expression et al., (And others), do so:

ROCHA, T. et al. ABNT standards. São Paulo: Publisher, 2016.


In cases where there is a quote from a book or work that has several authors and that work has a coordinator, first put the name of the person in charge / coordinator. Then, abbreviate the type of participation that responsible person had, such as the types of responsibility (organizer, compiler, editor, translator, coordinator, etc.). See the example:

ROCHA, T. et al. (coord.) ABNT standards. 3. ed. São Paulo: Publisher, 2016.

References when the cited author is an entity:

BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF TECHNICAL STANDARDS. 14724 (2011) - Academic works: presentation. Rio de Janeiro, 2011.


References of monographs, theses, dissertations and articlesExamples:

ROCHA, T. ABNT standards. 2016. 53 f. Course conclusion work (Monograph) - Business Administration Course, Vale do Acaraú State University, Sobral, Ceará. 2016.


The dissertation references follow the same model:

SILVA, Maurício. How to make references in ABNT standards. 2015. 47 f. Course conclusion work (Dissertation) - ABNT Norms Course, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2015.


Thesis reference example:

SILVA, Maurício. How to make references in ABNT standards. 2016. 47 f. Course conclusion work (Thesis) - ABNT Norms Course, University of São Paulo - USP, São Paulo, 2016.


Reference example of the work consulted via internet:

ROCHA, T. ABNT standards. [S.I]: Virtual Book, 2018. Available at: <> Accessed on: 01/23/2018.


Magazine References:

Author's SURNAME, name. Title of the article. Magazine title, city, publisher, volume, number, month, year.Example:

ROCHA, T. ABNT standards. Challenges of formatting in academic works, São Paulo, EDITORA, year 60, n.1, Jan / Feb., 2016.


References to Laws and Decrees:

COUNTRY, STATE OR MUNICIPALITY. Law or decree no., Day, month and year. Menu. Publication, place of publication, edition (if any), city, volume (if any), year.


BRAZIL. Decree-Law No. 5,452, of 1st. May 1943. Approves the consolidation of labor laws. Lex: collection of legislation: federal edition, São Paulo, v.7, 1943.



 1 The proposal must contain the following items:

The description and framework of the proposal (up to 2000 words), including the following elements:

  • Title (Portuguese and English);
  • Intended objectives and approaches;
  • Justification of educational relevance;
  • Name, title and institutional link of the organizer (s); Brief curriculum data of the proposers (Curriculum Lattes or CV in the case of foreigners)
  • List of relevant bibliographic references on the topic (no more than 10);
  • Optionally, a list of subthemes to be developed.

1.2 Guidelines for the organization of the proposal: after the description and framing of the proposal, specified in item 1.1, the proposer will proceed with the inclusion of the items below:

  • The proposal must comprise between 7 and 10 scientific articles that constitute an important and original contribution to the area of Education, at least;
  • A book review whose theme is linked to the dossier and an interview with a recognized expert may be part of the proposal.
  • The diversity of institutions and regions will be considered, and the proposal should include the representation of at least three regions of the country, in addition to two articles by authors linked to foreign institutions. It should be noted that a maximum of two articles by authors linked to the same institution will be accepted.

From these elements, forward the proposal to the e-mail, with the subject: Dossier proposal.

2 About the evaluation criteria

First, the proposals will be evaluated by the Editoria, which decides on the possibility of submitting the set of articles in the dossier modality, according to the editorial policy of the Revista Temas em Educação, so that they are considered as fundamental criteria of the evaluation:

2.1 The originality of the proposal, mainly in relation to the dossier themes already published in the magazine in the last 5 years;

2.2 Relevance and timeliness of the proposal in line with educational discussions;

2.3 Clarity and consistency of the proposal in relation to the thematic unit of the Dossier;

2.4 The proposal must allow for the regional and international diversity of the articles.

3 Evaluation steps

3.1 The approved proposals will be announced on the website of the Journal and, subsequently, the registration with the specific dossier title will be created in the system, so that the authors submit the articles for peer review that is part of the editorial policy of the magazine.

3.2 Articles included in the dossier must be submitted exclusively in the format of the journal template, available at the link

3.3 Unselected proposals may be re-submitted later, provided they meet the above criteria.

3.4 The dossier, to be published, must reach at least six articles with favorable opinions;

3.5 In case of approval of up to five texts, these can be published separately, after consulting the authors.

3.6 The submission of articles by the coordinators for the dossier is optional;

3.7 It will be up to the Editorial Committee to choose the publication dates of the dossiers within the flow of the Journal.