Inventive learning, Cartography, Contagion, Babies, Early Childhood EducationAbstract
The article presents a research study conducted with babies in a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education (CMEI) in the city of Vitória/ES, aiming to green their backyard spaces through actions that integrate nature into their daily lives, nurturing joy in their bodies. It utilizes cartography as a methodology to accompany the processes that unfold with babies in inventive learning. The argument posits that the backyard, as a practice of encounter, enables an immanent plan where the interactions with and among the babies' bodies intensify through inventive experiments that are open to endless possibilities and becomings. It emphasizes the power of collective encounters in the backyard, expanding movements in which life pulsates exuberantly in the potential of knowledge that emerges in these gatherings, as possibilities propagated through contagion to enhance experiences that transcend the concrete that surrounds them. The article concludes by affirming life within the experiences at the CMEI through actions that unleash multiplicities in nature, seeking to escape and resist everyday rigidity while fostering curricular inventions.
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