from disciplinary companies to holding companies
Disciplinary societies, Control companies, Inclusion, CurriculumAbstract
This essay aims to discuss the transformations proper to neoliberal policies, in the cultural and semantic field, due to the fact that they institute new ways of being, of being and relating in society. He observes that the realization of a given reality is first established in the order of the speeches, to later materialize with truth effects, thus producing forms of subjection. It analyzes the transition from disciplinary societies to control societies and their implications for curricular policies, which have been conducted in order to effect a standardization process, and the inclusion policies of a universalist nature, which have been propagated as a necessity, a human rights issue. It points to inclusion policies and curriculum policies as biopolitical devices at the service of the safety of populations that, when they feel included in groups and in official records, become easy targets for State actions. It infers that the implications of these policies for the school are evident in the gathering of many sad existences, both of students and teachers, in the teacher-centered monologism, in the production of various diseases, in the sad passions, in the new tolerance that covers the existing fascisms. Based on these issues and from the perspective of the transition from disciplinary societies to control societies, it discusses inclusive policies and curricular policies as a possibility of affirming the singularities and differences in school as life, as an event, as becoming, as chance.
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