


curriculum, initial teacher training, Pedagogy, bullying management, school


Based on the Analysis of the Enunciation proposed by Bardin, this article analyzes public policy documents that constitutes the curriculums of Pedagogy courses in Brazil. The objective was to know the orientations to the construction of Pedagogy curriculums, in what regards offering conditions to teachers to think and act consciously in the face of school violence and bullying. The results point to the silence on this theme: this worries significantly, since the reviewed literature demonstrates the importance of creating a school environment focused on the formation of morality and, through it, the prevention of violence in school. On the other hand, the same review indicates that the moral teachers’ disengagement and theachers’ representations on violence and bullying attempt against the involvement of these professionals in the prevention of those problems. In what concerns these factors, the initial formation in Pedagogy tends to reproduce the conditions of moral disengagement and pedagogical omission that contribute to the conservation of a context that generates bullying and other violences in school.


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Author Biographies

Catarina Carneiro Gonçalves, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil.

Adjunct Professor I, Department of Education, Center for Humanities, Social and Agrarian Sciences, Federal University of Paraíba

Fernando Cézar Bezerra de Andrade, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil.

Professor at the Department of Education Foundation, Graduate Programs in Education (PPGE-Centro de Educação) and in Human Rights (PPGDH-Center for Human Sciences, Letters and Arts) at UFPB.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, C. C.; ANDRADE, F. C. B. de. CURRICULUMS OF INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING AND THE LACK OF PREPARATION TO HANDLE BULLYING AT SCHOOL . Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. 241–252, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579.2020v13n1.40718. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.