what is the dilemmas for the current school?
BNCC, Critical Theory, FormationAbstract
In this article we deal with the topic of (semi) formation, the “Base Nacional Comum Curricular” (BNCC - National Curriculum Common Base), and schooling. It is the result of reflections and problematizations arising from the discipline “Curriculum and School” (“Currículo e Escola”) taught by me at the Undergraduate courses at the State University of São Paulo. Our general objective is to develop a critical thought on the influences that the BNCC brings to the policies of teacher education nowadays. In addition to the specific educational bibliographic support, the article is based on the theoretical discussions developed by Theodor Adorno in his philosophical-educational texts discussing the concept of (semi) formation and education. The proposed analysis concludes that the BNCC can transform the Brazilian curricular structure not by the path of cultural formation (Bildung), but by market interests based on aspects such as competitiveness, productivity and entrepreneurship, reducing the possibilities of criticism. Thus, Adorno's critique about the performance society emerges as a theoretical reference that contemplates the possibility of developing the analysis of the social process on a different basis, in which school education is inserted and its links with the semiformation.
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