when differences overflow in school everyday
Ser, Time, Difference, CurriculumAbstract
We seek to highlight the conceptions of being and time linked to the ideas of sameness and mechanics and how they engendered logic and social processes of denying differences, that is, denying the legitimacy of Others in their multiple possibilities of existence and the construction of a curriculum that reinforces the illusion of normality in a mathematic time or even that hosts the differences in its marking, instituting an identity-difference binomial. Furthermore, the conceptions of being and time from the perspective of durations and possibilities constitute the opportunity to think of communion with differences, driving to experience the curriculum in pure differences, where the relationship between normality and abnormality is continually strained, allowing the encounter with oneself and with Others as they are. Thus, we try to ask ourselves how each one of us inhabits the school and how the school inhabits us. How each one thinks and lives the relationship between normal versus abnormality. How, experiencing the school, we can understand in its temporality the relations with the differences within an understanding that we continuously produce in its curricular artifacts, in order to produce so many others, always inventing different ways of meeting ourselves and with the Other.
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