an analysis from a socio-cultural perspective
Principles., Curriculum., Mathematics.Abstract
This paper aims to present a discussion about influences of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC (Common Curriculum National Base) and the Documento Curricular de Roraima – DCR (Curriculum Document of Roraima), on the mathematics curriculum at the elementary education level. The study has a sociocultural perspective and the principles guiding those documents were analyzed. The methodology employed is qualitative and the data was collected using document analysis focusing on the BNCC and the DCR. Our results pointed out that the documents analyzed put forward relevant guidance following the proposal of curriculum development in a sociocultural perspective, mainly taking into consideration their guiding principles. The documents support new views of mathematics teaching and learning, based on the students’ development in their different dimensions. They seek to guarantee their holistic education, respecting diversity, singularity and plurality towards social inclusion, exercising citizenship, work and autonomy in the pursuit of a society based on knowledge and social justice.
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