between different conceptions of teacher trainers




Pedagogical Training, EAD, Integrated Curriculum


The study aimed to highlight the different conceptions of integrated curriculum of teacher trainers (non-graduates) with an emphasis on the Pedagogical Training course in the Distance Education (EAD) modality, through their narratives. Therefore, the research question is: What conceptions of integrated curriculum do the teachers who teach the EAD Pedagogical Training course have? Research with a qualitative approach and characteristic, whose data production used the technique of semi-structured interviews with teacher trainers. To analyze and discuss the data, we applied the method based on the theory of Content Analysis (Bardin, 1977). To produce the data, we first identified the teacher trainers who work on the course and carried out the interviews. In the analyses, we defined categories before and after the interview. The previous categories were defined based on the teachers' responses that are close to the theoretical framework on the integrated curriculum. The subsequent categories were produced after analyzing the interviews that enabled new understandings about the Integrated Curriculum. We found that the integrated curriculum in an educational institution belonging to the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education (EPT) enables integration between general, technical and political training, and that progress is being made to open new paths in the development of pedagogical and political actions to transform the society.


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Author Biographies

Luciana Paslauski Knebel, Federal Institute Farroupilha, Brazil.

Master in Professional and Technological Education from the Federal Institute Farroupilha and Auditor from the same institution.

Adão Caron Cambraia , Federal Institute Farroupilha, Brazil.

PhD in Education in Computer Sciences from the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and Professor at the Federal Institute Farroupilha.


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How to Cite

KNEBEL, L. P.; CAMBRAIA , A. C. . INTEGRATED CURRICULUM IN THE EAD PEDAGOGICAL TRAINING COURSE: between different conceptions of teacher trainers. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. e67887 , 2024. DOI: 10.15687/rec.v17i2.67887. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.