


Curriculum., Schools., Integration., Indiscipline., Violence.


The  present  study  addresses  issues  related  to indiscipline  and  violence  in  schools  and  their  relationship with the curriculum. Historically, educational  andcurricular  policies  are  based  on  discursive  practices  that affirm both integration  and  curricular    disintegration movements  in  professional  and  technological  education. In this sense, it is asked: how to unify a curriculum, if each region   and   school   community   are   distinct   with   their specific peculiarities? In the context of this discussion, this bibliographic  writing  aims  to  contemplate  the  discussion on the relationship between violence and indiscipline with the   current   curricular   structure   in   high   schoolswith curriculum  integrated  approach.   Much has    been    insisted    on    the    permanent    formation    of teachers,  however,  it  is  observed  that  this  has  happened in   a   bureaucratic   way   in   order   to   generate   numerical certifications  to  the  professionals  involved,  however,  the themes debated in these formative moments, most of the time,  are  punctual  actions  defined  by  entities  external  to the  institution,  which  have  nothing  to  do  with  the  reality of the school. Those concerns stimulated the development  of  the  present  study  in  order  to  reflect  on why  such  discursive  practices  are  so  dissociated  from  the demands   of   the   school community by reinforcing the mechanisms of indiscipline and  violence  within  schools. It is   concluded   from   this   that   the   disciplinary  culture, understood  here  in  terms  of content  segregation, has generated effects of a   decontextualized education  in relation to the real needs of students.


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Author Biographies

Silvia de Siqueira, Federal Institute Farroupilha Campus Julio de Castilhos, Brazil.

Master in Professional and Technological Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria and PhD student in Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Leticia Ramalho Brittes, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Farroupilha Campus Júlio de Castilhos, Brazil.

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Pelotas / RS; Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Farroupilha Campus Júlio de Castilhos.


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How to Cite

SIQUEIRA, S. de; BRITTES, L. R. CHALLENGES OF CURRICULAR INTEGRATION IN THE FACE OF VIOLENCE AND SCHOOL INDISCPLINE. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 448–455, 2017. DOI: 10.15687/rec.v10i3.32189. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.

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