dissent, dissonance and making sense for learning with students




inequality/social exclusion in education., race., social class., urban education., youth/adolescence.


This article troubles constructions of ‘at-risk students.’ Utilizing Rancière’s discussion of dissensus, the author first argues that what is at risk are not students but contemporary common sense notions of schooling. From this perspective, students’ labeled as ‘at risk’ ways of knowing and being that interrupt ideas and ideals about the purpose and function of schooling. In order to make this argument, the author links Rancière and others’ discussions of the importance of dissensus to questions of sense-making, the dangers of resonance in consensus, and the possibilities in the dissonance of dissensus. These assertions are then further complicated by the assertion that education is a necessarily risky endeavor and that all students should be placed at risk of learning. Understanding all students as at risk is significant as it simultaneously provides a space for students’ complex constellations of identity to be treated with dignity in learning experiences and creates a less punitive context in which differences are less likely to be conceptualized as deficits.


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Author Biography

Walter S. Gershon, Kent State University, United States of America.

PhD in Education from the University of California and Associate Professor, School of TLC at Kent State University, United States.


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How to Cite

GERSHON, W. S. THE CONCERNING NOTION OF RISK: dissent, dissonance and making sense for learning with students. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 366–383, 2017. DOI: 10.15687/rec.v10i3.37661. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.