
  • Cristiano de Jesus Ferronato Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação-PPED Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT
  • Elias Souza dos Santos Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação-PPED/UNIT Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT
  • Lucas Wendell de Oliveira Barreto Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT



History of education., Musical education., Corufs.


This article aims to investigate the educational practices of Corufs in the period from 1970 to 1990. It is, then, a research of historical documentary character whose product, the written source, is our raw material. The sources were analyzed based on Le Goff (1984), a historian who advises us to demystify them. During its 47 years of existence, the Corufs has been executing a repertoire that covers both erudite and "popular" genres, and in the first two decades of its performance, it’s presentations have taken place at the local, national and international levels. Thus, although the documents inform that Brazilian music would have a guaranteed place, in the repertoire, we noticed that, in the folders, theerudite european music occupied the main place.


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Author Biographies

Cristiano de Jesus Ferronato, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação-PPED Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT

Doctor in Education from theUniversidade Federal da Paraíba (2012), Master in Education from the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (2006) and Graduated in History from the Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2003). Professor PPG PLII and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Education at TUniversidade Tiradentes - UNIT - in Aracaju, Sergipe, in the line of Education and Teacher Training. Researcher at the Institute of Technology and Research-ITP. He was Research Coordinator at Universidade Tiradentes, from August 2014 to October 2015, developing planning actions for research projects and management of Scientific Initiation and technological development grants with the funding agencies: CNPq, CAPES, FAPITEC-SE. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Education at Tiradentes University. Member of the Scientific Committee and advisory board of Editora Universitária Tiradentes - EDUNIT. Researcher associated with the research groups: History of Education Research Group in the Northeast of the 19th Century (GHENO-PB), HISTEDBR (GT-PB) is the leader of the History of Education in the Northeast (GPHEN) Research Group. Develops research in the field of History of Education, with a special focus on instruction in the eight hundred Brazilian.


Elias Souza dos Santos, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação-PPED/UNIT Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT

PhD student in Education at Universidade Tiradentes; Master in Education from the Faculty of Education of the Universidade de São Paulo - Feusp (2012); Specialist in Art Education at Faculdade São Luis de França (2006); Specialist in Libras, by Faculdade Pio Décimo (2014); Graduation in Pedagogy from Universidade Tiradentes de Sergipe (2004); Music Technician at the Conservatory of Music of Sergipe - CMS (1999); Former Fellow of the Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program - 2009 selection); CAPES / PROSUP fellow; He is a member of the Research Group on the History of Education in the Northeast (GPHEN), of the Department of Education of the Unit. He has experience in the area of ​​Arts, working mainly on the following themes: History of Music (Choral Singing and Orphonic Singing), History of Education and History of Comparative Education.

Lucas Wendell de Oliveira Barreto, Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT

Graduating in History Degree from the Tiradentes University - UNIT, volunteer monitor of extension of the project "The village goes to the city" and PIBIC scholarship 2017/2018 - CNPq in Scientific Initiation project by the Graduate Program in Education of the same institution. Member of the research groups History, Memory and Identity (GPHMEI), led by Dr. Ilka Miglio de Mesquita, and History of Education in the Northeast (GPHEN), led by the coordinator of the postgraduate education program at Universidade Tiradentes Dr. Cristiano de Jesus Ferronate.


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How to Cite

FERRONATO, C. de J.; DOS SANTOS, E. S.; BARRETO, L. W. de O. THE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES OF THE CORAL OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SERGIPE -CORUFS (1970-1990): THE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES OF THE CORAL OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SERGIPE -CORUFS (1970-1990). Revista Temas em Educação, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 2, p. 27–45, 2018. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2359-7003.2018v27n2.42092. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.

