



Museum, Decolonizing, Afro-Brazilian culture


The purpose of this article is to follow the paradigm shift and social perception since the early museums and their Eurocentric and collector aspects, distant from the present plurality, until discussions about its relevance as a public space representation of Afro-Brazilian culture and its decolonizing role as non-formal learning space that may be lost in the conservative anachronism under a structure which does not dialogue with the subjects as it proposes. The research is based on a method of narrative literature reviews, regarding authors from the history of museology, Afro-Brazilian cultural identity and heritage education. As result, this study made it possible to identify reflections for a reconfiguration of the museum spaces that allows, whenever critically conceived, to have in its transformative potential an opportunity to repair gaps in history through actions due to visibility of a cultural diversity that truly represents the society of its time.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Prudente, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduated in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) with Postgraduate (lato sensu) presence in Visual Communication in Interactive Media from the Universidade do Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR) and Master in Education in the Education and Communication (PPED) research line Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT). He currently holds the position of Professor of Visual Arts of Basic Education at the  Secretária de Educação, Esporte e Cultura do Governo do Estado de Sergipe (SEDUC). He is a member of the Grupo de Pesquisa Comunicação, Educação e Sociedade (GECES) (GECES) and simultaneously develops research and cultural projects focused on new technologies, in particular Graphical Interfaces, Education and Communication Technology and Digital Art.

Mariana Pícaro Cerigatto, Universidade Tiradentes

PhD in Information Science from Unesp / campus Marília (2018). He has a master's degree in Communication, Information and Education in Digital Television from Unesp, Bauru campus. He has a degree in journalism from the Universidade Sagrado Coração (USC). He did a research / sandwich doctorate period at Universidad Politecnica de Valencia(Spain), in the Doctorate program in Industrias de la Comunicación y Culturales (Europe and Latin America Sustainable Innovation and Knowledge Academic Network - EuroInkaNet Project / Erasmus Mundus Program / European Commission ). Developed research in the Master and Doctorate in Communication at the Universidad de Huelva (Spain), in the line of Educommunication, with the help of the Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado - AUIP. He studied Discourse Analysis at the Faculty of Arts and Education of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo - Argentina, and developed projects related to multiliteracies and multiple platforms for reading and producing digital content, with the support of the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM). She is currently a full professor in the Graduate Program in Education at the Universidade Tiradentes, in Aracaju-SE, a member of the Education and Communication research line. At the same university, he is part of the Research Group on Education, Information Technologies and Cyberculture - GETIC / UNIT / CNPq. He is also a member of research groups at other universities: Informational Behavior and Competence, from FFC / Unesp-Marília and the EpisCom group, from the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). He has extensive experience with extension projects, research and teacher training relating media and information literacy, new media, digital content production, participatory culture, skills for the context of misinformation and behavior of new generations in media consumption. Currently, he has worked relating health and well-being to media / information literacy and participatory culture in the context of digital media and the covid-19 pandemic.

Edirani Tavares de Jesus, Universidade Tiradentes

Master in Education from the Universidade Tiradentes, in the "Education and Communication" line, with a scholarship in the FAPITEC / SE modality. Degree in History from the Universidade Tiradentes. She has experience in the field of Tourism, with an emphasis on Tourism, acting mainly on the following themes: sergype del rey, sodomia e inquisição. Member of the Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Comunicação, Educação e Sociedade (GECES / UNIT) and Grupo de pesquisa em Politicas Publicas, Gestão Socieducacional e Formação de Professores (GPGFOP)



How to Cite

PRUDENTE, M.; PÍCARO CERIGATTO, M.; TAVARES DE JESUS, E. HISTORICAL PATHS OF MUSEUM RECONFIGURATIONS: MEETING WITH DECOLONIAL EDUCATION: HISTORICAL PATHS OF MUSEUM RECONFIGURATIONS: MEETING WITH DECOLONIAL EDUCATION. Revista Temas em Educação, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 2, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2359-7003.2020v29n2.51696. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/rteo/article/view/51696. Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.