
  • Ana Paula dos Santos de Sá Researcher at the Department of Education at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (DEd-UFSCar)
  • Carlinda Leite Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP)



Teaching Reading, Literacy, Reading policies


It is important to know the reading conceptions which support its practice. To do so, Brazilian and Mozambique national reading plans were analysed in order to identify the reading conceptions that underlie them, and the possible convergence and divergence points between them. The study resorted to a documentary analysis of the official booklets presenting these policies. This analysis allowed to understand that none of the plans mentioned in depth the reading conceptualizations, although the Brazilian plan explicitly announces a vision of reading as being a social practice and the Mozambican plan oscillates between different perceptions of the reading act. In addition, the first one privileged access to books as a cultural asset, while the second one directs special attention to the reading promotion in the school sphere. Despite such dissonances, on both plans the reading competence is identified as a condition and/or an instrument for the citizenship exercise and for the cultural diversity affirmation.


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Author Biographies

Ana Paula dos Santos de Sá, Researcher at the Department of Education at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (DEd-UFSCar)

Ana Paula dos Santos de Sá holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and a Master in Theory and Literary History from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). His publications and research interests focus on teaching literature in basic education, with special attention to the role of textbooks and the place assumed by interculturality and the reader in the teaching-learning process of reading. Both in his master's and doctorate, he did research internships at the Universidade do Porto(UP), in Portugal. Participates in research groups from different national universities and is developing, in 2020, a Postdoctoral project at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), with support from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) . Lattes:

Carlinda Leite, Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP)

Carlinda Leite has been a professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP) since 1987, full professor at this Faculty since 2008, senior researcher at the Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE), where she coordinates the CAFTE community (Curriculum , Evaluation, Training and Educational Technologies), president of the Ethics Committee of FPCEUP since 2018/19, emeritus professor at UPorto since 2019, and evaluator, since 2009, of the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (A3ES). Throughout his professional career he has held various positions in education and training institutions, as well as in various educational administration bodies.

Its main research focuses are: Education and curriculum policies; Education and cultural diversity; Teacher training; Evaluation of institutions, courses, projects and learning; Curriculum and modes of pedagogical work in higher education. She has coordinated several projects and is the author of numerous articles published in international and national magazines.


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How to Cite

DE SÁ, A. P. dos S.; LEITE, C. READING CONCEPTIONS IN BRAZILIAN AND MOZAMBICAN NATIONAL READING PLANS: READING CONCEPTIONS IN BRAZILIAN AND MOZAMBICAN NATIONAL READING PLANS. Revista Temas em Educação, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 2, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2359-7003.2020v29n2.53326. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.