State. Capitalism. Educational policies. Subjectivity. PEC 55.Abstract
This study aims to bring up a theoretical discussion about the relationship between the Democratic State and the capitalist structure and how it affects education. Furthermore, it aims to exemplify this relationship using the Proposed Constitutional Amendment 55 (known as PEC of the expenditure ceiling). Therefore, it is necessary to understand the larger context of this relationship (which refers to Latin America and Brazil), to understand how Brazilian policies have been conceived and to point out what types of subjectivities and individualities are behind the ideologies present in society and which impact the school. The documentary analysis and the theoretical revision of bibliography will be the basic methodologies used here. Critical theory will be the main focus, aided by the possibilities of Simmelian sociology and the phenomenological perspective of action. Thus, it is possible to perceive the institutionalization of the technique of management of the State, the impossibility of political representation of the masses, the dilution of basic rights for the common good of the voters and the negative repercussion of this process in education. The contradiction between conservatism and liberalism ceases to exist and gives rise to the junction of neoliberalism and neoconservatism in the technocratic management of the State, gaining aspects of subjectivity of the sectors in power.
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