A pessoa com deficiência e a educação inclusiva
uma reflexão a partir das linhas abissais
Inclusion. Person with Disability. Education. Abyssal Lines.Abstract
This article, with a qualitative, theoretical and reflective approach, seeks to discuss the problem of the exclusion of people with disabilities in our society, in terms of Educational Inclusion. The main contribution is the theoretical references of Boaventura de Souza Santos on the "Abyss Lines", in the sense of proposing possibilities for dialogues regarding the rights of people with disabilities, according to official documents such as the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the National Policy for Special Education (PNEE) of 2008. To this end, an overview of people with disabilities from the 20th century onwards is presented, followed by an explanation of inclusive education. It is a part of the doctoral research in progress and, therefore, intends to weave a dialogue about the Abyssal Lines and other paths for educational inclusion.
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