A pessoa com deficiência e a educação inclusiva

uma reflexão a partir das linhas abissais





Inclusion. Person with Disability. Education. Abyssal Lines.


This article, with a qualitative, theoretical and reflective approach, seeks to discuss the problem of the exclusion of people with disabilities in our society, in terms of Educational Inclusion. The main contribution is the theoretical references of Boaventura de Souza Santos on the "Abyss Lines", in the sense of proposing possibilities for dialogues regarding the rights of people with disabilities, according to official documents such as the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the National Policy for Special Education (PNEE) of 2008. To this end, an overview of people with disabilities from the 20th century onwards is presented, followed by an explanation of inclusive education. It is a part of the doctoral research in progress and, therefore, intends to weave a dialogue about the Abyssal Lines and other paths for educational inclusion.


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Author Biographies

Altair de Oliveira Galvão, Universidade São Francisco

PhD student in Education at Universidade São Francisco (2022); Master in Education from the Salesian University Center U. E. Americana (2017), Specialization in Teaching for Professional and Technological Education from the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (2021), in Higher Education Teaching from the Claretiano University Center of Batatais (2011), in Quality and Productivity by the Federal University of Itajubá (2007); Bachelor in Business Administration with qualification in Marketing from the Salesian University Center of São Paulo U. E. Lorena (2003), Degree in Mathematics from the Claretiano University Center of Batatais (2007), Degree in Pedagogy from Faculdade Paulista São José (2016), Degree in Administration from the Center State of Technological Education Paula Souza (2016), is currently a professor at the State Center of Technological Education Paula Souza, at ETEC and FATEC, has experience in the area of Education, acting as Coordinator in the courses of Administration, Human Resources and Marketing at the State Center of Technological Education Paula Souza - (CPS), lecturer in the Events course at the Faculty of Technology of Cruzeiro (FATEC), tutor in the Commerce course at the Federal Institute of Sul de Minas, has already worked as a lecturer in the Business Administration and Accounting courses at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the State of São Paulo – (FACIC) Supervisor of the Distance Education Center, On-site and Distance Tutor at the Claretiano University Center – (CEUCLAR).

Carlos Roberto da Silveira, Universidade São Francisco

Postdoctoral degree from Universidade São Francisco (USF-SP), through the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program (CAPES) in Education, in 2015. Doctor in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP - CAPES), in 2010. Master's degree in Philosophy (concentration in Ethics) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-CAMP), in 2003. Lato Sensu postgraduate degree in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy from the University of Vale do Sapucaí (UNIVÁS-MG), in 1999. Bachelor in Business Administration from the Faculty of Informatics Administration Santa Rita do Sapucaí (FAI-MG), in 1997. He worked as a Professor at FAI-MG, at UNIVÁS-MG, at UNIS-MG, at the Technical School of Electronics of Santa Rita do Sapucaí (ETE-MG), at the Catholic Faculty of Pouso Alegre (FACAPA-MG), in the Lato Sensu Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in Philosophy and in the Undergraduate Course at the Wenceslau Braz Nursing Faculty (FWB-MG), in Itajuba. He worked as a Member of the Ethics and Research Committee at the Faculty of Health Sciences-(UNIVÁS) and at the Wenceslau Braz Nursing Faculty (FWB-MG). Participated as Guest Coordinator and Researcher in the preparation of the Pilot Project on the Education and Accountability Program for Men Perpetrators of Domestic Violence against Women in the District of Pouso Alegre-MG, Period (2012-2013). Due to the Pilot Project mentioned above, it works with Combating Domestic Violence, which is part of the Non-Formal and Formal Education/Learning process, in accordance with Public Policies in the spheres of Justice, Security, Citizenship and Human Rights, in schools and communities, that too, through Scientific Initiation research. He has developed research focused on Philosophy of Education, Fundamentals of Education and Specific Topics of Education, with emphasis on Western Classical Philosophy (especially Plato), Modern, Contemporary, together with Latin American Critical Theories and Southern Epistemologies, Personalism, among others. , in promoting debates and actions for the area of Education, which involves questions about ethics, bioethics, the constitution of the contemporary subject, decoloniality, technologies, among others. He works as a professor at the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education and Undergraduate Studies, working in the line of research Education, Society and Formative Processes, at Universidade São Francisco (USF-Itatiba-SP). He serves as Editor of Horizontes em Educação USF Magazine. He is a member of the Institutional Committee for Scientific Initiation, Technological Initiation and Extension at Universidade São Francisco, USF. Member of the Evaluation Committee (CPA-USF). Participates as Leader of the Research Group on Education and Latin American Critical Theories (GPETECLA), of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education USF (Certified by CNPQ). Participates as Deputy Leader of the Research Group on Foucaultian Studies in Education (GPEFE), of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education USF (Certified by CNPQ). It is a member of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPED). Participates in the Interinstitutional Research Group on Education, Language and Cultural Practices (PHALA - UNICAMP). Approved on 02/06/2023, as a Research Member of the Interdisciplinary Center for Children and Adolescents (NICA), of the University of the Azores (UAc- Portugal).


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA GALVÃO, A. de; ROBERTO DA SILVEIRA, C. A pessoa com deficiência e a educação inclusiva: uma reflexão a partir das linhas abissais. Revista Temas em Educação, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 1, p. e-rte331202425, 2023. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2359-7003.2024v33n1.67044. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/rteo/article/view/67044. Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.