About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Curriculum Space Journal is an open-access electronic publication with continuous publication, aiming to disseminate original and relevant scientific production developed in the field of curriculum studies.


The CSJ - Curriculum Space Journal is a publication of the Federal University of Paraíba organized by the SRGCP - Study and Research Group on Curriculum Policies, whose objective is to disseminate research from national and international networks dedicated to the curriculum theme.

Established in 2008 with an edition featuring the participation of renowned researchers such as Reinaldo Matias Fleuri, Roger Dale, Susan L. Robertson, among others, CSJ has evolved from a biannual to a quarterly publication in 2013, seeking to make approved manuscripts available more rapidly.

In its early years, CSJ received contributions from prominent national and international researchers in the curriculum field. In 2010, it underwent its first evaluation through Qualis Periodicals, achieving ratings of B5 (Environmental Sciences), C (Law), B4 (Education), B3 (Teaching), B3 (Interdisciplinary), B5 (Linguistics and Literature), and B3 (Sociology).

From 2013 onwards, the quantity of manuscripts published in each CSJ issue increased significantly due to its recognition by the national and international academic community. CSJ is one of three Brazilian journals exclusively dedicated to curriculum issues.

A significant milestone for CSJ was the inclusion of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in published texts starting from the end of 2014. With growing researcher interest, the DOI investment aimed to enhance text circulation on the web, facilitating manuscript authentication.

During the 2013-2016 quadrennium, efforts to increase the journal's visibility led to its inclusion in REDIB - Ibero-American Network for Innovation and Scientific Knowledge, CLASE - Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities, EUROPUB - Academic And Scholarly Research Publication Center, CROSSREF, BBE - Brazilian Library of Education, and the creation of a profile on Google Scholar.

In the same quadrennium, CSJ underwent a second Qualis Periodical evaluation, being assessed in eleven areas, with the highest ratings being B1 in Teaching and B2 in Education, meeting the criteria set by the CIHEP - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel for the evaluation of the country's postgraduate programs.

After being assessed as B1 in Teaching and B2 in Education in 2016, the influx of submitted manuscripts increased so much that the editorial team had to rethink the editorial process. The journal was organized into thematic sections to expand participation in its management, increase the network of researchers, and facilitate national and international exchange, leading to an increase in ad hoc reviewers to accelerate manuscript analysis.

With the inclusion of section editors in the journal's management, international participation grew, with one section being coordinated by international researchers. There was also an expansion in international publications and evaluations.

Given these results, CSJ editors decided to intensify the involvement of national and international curriculum researchers in organizing the journal's issues. Starting in 2017, calls for proposals for thematic dossiers organized by national and international researchers were published.

After all these changes, the Curriculum Space Journal was evaluated in the Qualis half-yearly (2017-2018) as a specific journal in the field of Education with an A4 rating. In the evaluation for the quadrennium 2017-2020, the journal obtained an A3 rating but has the potential for quality and submission flow to continue printing quality and widely socializing production in the curriculum field.

The Curriculum Space Journal belongs to you! Happy reading!

The Editors


First quadrennium, Jan./Apr.

Second quadrennium, May/Aug.

Third quadrennium, Sep./Dec.

The journal adopts the Continuous Publication model, with annual articles in three editions organized into: Introduction, Special Section, Articles, Continuous Demand, Review, and Interview.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, following the principle that freely sharing scientific knowledge with the public promotes greater global democratization of knowledge.