construction experience with the Huni Kuin people




Curriculum, Intercultural education, People, Huni Kuin


The text is situated in the scope of the construction of the curricular design of the Integrated Technical Course to High School in Indigenous intercultural teaching with teachers from the Huni Kuin people, from the municipalities of Tarauacá, Jordão, Feijó and Marechal Thaumaturgo, developed at the Intercultural Laboratory - LABINTER UFAC, linked to the Graduate Program in Languages: Language Identity. The article aims to analyze the path and tensions that involved the construction of intercultural curricular design with this people. In the investigative path, the production of the Modernity-Coloniality Group was privileged, mainly because of what is circumscribed in the thought of Walsh (2005). In the first moment, some concepts are presented that guided the construction of the curricular design where the desire to not impose the school culture, historically built for those who are not indigenous, prevailed. In the sequence, brief history is outlined of what has been constituted the education of the indigenous peoples and the political decision of the Huni Kuin people to turn to an education that actually serves their interests. Finally, the journey and tensions that involved the construction of the intercultural curricular design with these people are narrated. All the documentation produced the group at the Interculturality Laboratory - Labinter field diary produced in the year of 2019 in the environment of the meetings during the III International Seminar of Indigenous Languages ​​and Cultures - Amerindian languages: diversities, traditions and memories) and master's dissertations that addressed the educational aspects of the Huni Kuin.


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Author Biographies

Valda Inês Fontenele Pessoa, Federal University of Acre, Brazil.

Professor and researcher of the Graduate Program in Letters: language and identity at UFAC.

Lucia de Fatima Melo, Federal University of Acre, Brazil.

Professor and researcher at the Federal University of Acre. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Education PPGE / UFAC.


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How to Cite

FONTENELE PESSOA, V. I. .; MELO, L. de F. INTERCULTURAL CURRICULUM: construction experience with the Huni Kuin people. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. 47–57, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579.2020v13n1.50753. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.