epistemology and curriculum in Field Education
Epistemology of the South, Curriculum, Countryside educationAbstract
This work instigates an analysis of a critical, emancipatory, humanizing and holistic curriculum that respects the knowledge of the subjects in the field, through their identity and cultural difference. The objective is to analyze the theoretical tensions about the studies of southern epistemologies and how they aggregate the struggles and actions in the field of the curriculum. This is a bibliographic research, based on authors such as Arroyo (2013), Oliveira (2012), Santomé (1995), Santos (2002; 2018) among others. The work illustrates theoretical discussions and documentary analysis that address the theme "Curriculum", "Southern epistemology" and "Rural education". As a result, the article inferred that curricular epistemologies must be linked to cultural issues and knowledge that condition the particularities and the sociocultural history of the subject of the field, in order to instigate them to understand the social structures that oppress them, in view the elaboration of action strategies with probability of success for its emancipation.
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