Curricular Theories, Intercultural Education, CurriculumAbstract
This text intends to problematize the school curriculum over the years and the emergence of a critical intercultural education. For this, traditional, critical and post-critical theories of curriculum were approached, highlighting in them the central elements and the place of culture in each of them, as well as the intentions regarding the subjects and their insertion in society. Traditional theories emphasize social control and privilege dominant knowledge and culture. On the other hand, critical and post-critical theories are concerned with the power relations imbricated in the curriculum, thus, defending its construction based on reality, on the specificities and cultures of the students. By understanding the curriculum as a cultural artifact that influences the formation and performance of subjects in society, it is inferred that it is necessary to question the “abyssal” thinking imbricated in it. In favor of the recognition of cultural diversity, the breaking of practices of domination and exclusion and a critical formation, the production of curricula based on critical intercultural education, which is guided by the multiplicity of knowledge and cultures, is defended. aimed at combating all forms of inequality and discrimination present in Society.
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