What Does Teaching Praxis Reveal?
Integrated training. Integrated High School. Teaching.Abstract
This article sought to understand the teaching praxis given the need to implement and build an integrated curriculum at a school in the city of Sapeaçu-BA. To do so, it was based on collaborative research, using as instruments the talking circle and document analysis, complementary devices to think over the curricular documents that guide the Integrated High School in the state network, as well as its implementation. The results reveal that there is a tension/dispute over the construction of the curriculum, from which sometimes the Common Core curriculum stands out, and sometimes the technical training does so, demonstrating that there is a path to be treaded towards training that understands knowledge in a whole and complementary way, even if the separation between subjects or fields of knowledge is necessary at a given moment. Moreover, discussions point to a mismatch between the conception of Integrated High School and the curriculum standards that direct teaching labor in the network.
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