DIDACTIC PROPOSAL FOR THE KANELA/MEMORTURÉ PEOPLE: an interdisciplinary approach based on generating themes of the Portuguese language curriculum component
an interdisciplinary approach based on generating themes of the Portuguese language curriculum component
Indigenous school. Curriculum; InterdisciplinarityAbstract
The purpose of this article is to discuss the curricular document of indigenous school education and also to present a pedagogical proposal for teaching in the village of Escalvado, belonging to the Kanela/memortunré people, (MA). Based on the Portuguese Language curricular component and the use of generative/contextual themes proposed in the pedagogy of Paulo Freire(1976,1978), and Pimentel da Silva (2018, 2019,2020). This is a descriptive analytical work developed through action research, with a qualitative approach. For this, a reflection/discussion will be made on the type of bilingualism present in the schooling process of the Kanela/Memortumré people, and the space of the Portuguese language in this teaching, pointing out some guidelines for the practice of epistemic bilingualism.
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