Brazilian basic school
Basic school, State of Knowledge, BDTD, CurriculumAbstract
In this work we aim to analyze part of the results obtained in a Master's thesis, organized on the exercise of mapping dissertations and theses produced in graduate education programs between 1998 to 2013. It is worth noting that we operate with data from the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), identifying those productions that minimally brought studies on the stages of early childhood education and elementary education, in the perspective of recontextualizing the ideological discourse on the distribution of knowledge. Therefore, we chose as categories of analysis, curriculum, Basic School, Basic Education, distribution of knowledge, knowledge (as intellectual constructions historically produced by humanity), quality (include quality education, quality in education, among other variations of use found, relating to relations with knowledge) and evaluation. Among the results of the analyzes, we highlight the small contingent of works, which were dedicated to the study of the distribution of knowledge, as well as the expressive regional inequality in the distribution of theses and dissertations produced. Finally, the language chosen in education is not neutral, because with it we understand the educational reality in one way and not in another, highlight certain problems, take a stand before them and express our intentions.
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