


Child education., Curriculum., Territoy


This  article  aims  to  problematize  how  the curriculum has been experienced in the daily life of a federalized  child  education  institution  based  on  the pedagogical   projects  developed  there.  Therefore, we  sought  to  map  some  of  these  experiences  in order  to  understand  the  meanings  that  have  been attributed to the educational work with 2 and 3 year old    children,    through    the    slips    between    legal discourses  and  educational  practices  in  schools.  In this perspective, this text unfolds in the exploration of the relations of production that were constituted in  curricular  experiments  ordered  by  the  intensities of the children-woken up in CEI Criarte / Ufes with a group  of  children  from  2  to  3  years  old,  in  the  year 2014. Cartography was used as asingular practice of research  and  as  follow-up  of  processes  that  does not seek to establish rules or linear paths to achieve an  end  in  which  the  researcher-cartographer  will have    to    invent    his    ways    as    he    establishes relationships  and  passes  to  be  part  of his    own research territory. We also resorted to bibliographical  research,  supported  by  legal  bases that  pointed  out  that  the  curriculum  for  children education    should    be    based    on    relationships, interactions,  educational  practices  focused  on  the unique  experiences  of  everyday  life,  the  production of  subjectivities,  the  production  of  individual  and collective     narratives,     by     means     of     different languages,  and  must  include  everyday  knowledge that  is  knowledge  of  the  experience  of  the  body, culture, life (BARBOZA& RITCHER, 2009).


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Author Biography

Maria José Rassele Soprani, Federal University of Espirito Santo

Professional Master in Public Management - CCJE- UFES from the Federal University of Espírito Santo and Administrative Technician at the Federal University of Espírito Santo.



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How to Cite

SOPRANI, M. J. R. MAPPING THE CURRICULUM LIVED IN A UNIVERSITY EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION UNIT. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 398–409, 2017. DOI: 10.15687/rec.v10i3.33280. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.