Organization of pedagogical work., Curriculum., Training cycles., Historical-critical pedagogy.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the way in which the curriculum proposal in the state network of Mato Grosso is linked to the policy of organizing pedagogical work based on human training cycles. The fundamentals of historical-critical pedagogy are used, that is, the principle of humanization is taken as the fundamental pedagogical reference, understood as assimilation of the classic elements of human culture. The data presented comes from the documentary analysis of the Curricular Guidelines for the State of Mato Grosso (OC) and the responses of 31 (thirty-one) teachers who answered a questionnaire applied in August 2017, in four (04) schools in the state education network , in the municipality of Cuiabá / MT. Based on this survey, an attempt was made to analyze the relevant conceptual aspects of the curricular proposal, asking about its link to the promotion of humanization, through intentional action aimed at the assimilation of scientific, artistic and philosophical knowledge, an effective form of political commitment that is understood that it must be present in the school organized by cycles of human formation. From the study carried out, it was possible to reveal some weaknesses about the consistency of the official document of curricular reference of the State of Mato Grosso and the links with pedagogical practice.
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