E-ISSN: 1983-1579
DOI: 10.15687/rec
QUALIS: A3 (2017-2020)
The evaluation process of the Articles, Essays, Reviews and Interviews sent to Revista Espaço do Currículo follows the flow of peer evaluation:
Analysis as to form: in this phase, the texts are submitted to the reading of at least two of the editors and are evaluated for their adequacy to the general criteria of Revista Espaço do Currículo and to the editorial line. Thus, the texts that:
- They are configured as reports of experience or research;
- They are configured only as a bibliographic review and are not in the tests section;
ii. They are notably configured as a simple clipping of a dissertation or thesis, without the proper adaptation for article and / or essay;
- They are presented in the form of a research project or report;
- They do not present a sufficiently in-depth analysis of the topic they are proposing to discuss;
- They do not have the education area, with a focus on studies on the curriculum, as the central axis of the discussion;
iii. They have errors in writing, as well as in structuring the text, to the point of making it difficult to understand the parts or even the whole;
iv. They are merely descriptive and do not present an analysis of the problem addressed;
- They do not have the form of a scientific article usually practiced in Education journals, when submitted in the article or essay section;
- They do not comply with the rules of the Revista Espaço do Currículo for submitting articles, essays, interviews, reviews or abstracts (formatting, citations, references ...);
- When they are articles or essays, they do not present results, formulations or conclusions that indicate progress towards the proposed theme;
v. If registered as articles, they do not present empirical elements or sufficiently developed arguments to support the conclusions.
vi. Such works will be returned to the authors with the suggestion that they be reformulated, for the purpose of new submission and evaluation by Space Curriculum Journal, at another time. Works that fall under any of the above characteristics will be considered suitable for the next phase.
vii. Peer review on merit: in this second phase, the Editoria of Space Curriculum Journal forwards the article without identifying the author to at least two referees in the specific thematic area of the work (members of the editorial board or ad hoc guests) ), from two different states or from abroad. The evaluation will take into account the following criteria:
- Contribution to the area of education and curricular studies;
- Originality of the theme and / or the treatment given to the theme;
viii. Argumentative consistency;
- Rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach;
- General quality of the text.
- The referees can fully accept the text, accept by requesting changes or refusing. Either hypothesis is justified by a descriptive opinion.
ix. When the two referees refuse the work, the article is returned to the author.
x. When the two referees accept the work, he moves on to the next stage.
xi. Finally, when one or both reviewers request reformulations, the work is returned to the author, requesting that he consider the opinions and reformulate the article within thirty days.
xii. When the author resends the reformulated text, according to the referees' suggestions, it is reassessed and moves on to the final stage.
xiii. Editing of the work to the rules of the Space Curriculum Journal: once accepted for publication, the work is submitted to a standardization so that it is finally forwarded by the Editoria for publication.
E-ISSN: 1983-1579
DOI: 10.15687/rec
QUALIS: A3 (2017-2020)
Curriculum Space Journalis an electronic journal of Qualis A3 (2017-2020) in Education, organized by the Group of Studies and Research in Curricular Policies (GSRCP), of the Federal University of Paraíba, with a quarterly publication (January, May and September) and reserves the right to select the articles sent spontaneously and submit them to the consideration of an Editorial Board composed of researchers from different national and international institutions.
ISSN: 1983-1579 | Year of creation: 2008 | Area of knowledge: Education | Periodicity: Quarterly | Qualis: A4 (2017/2018)
Curriculum Space Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.