Art. 1. The Section Editor is a researcher in education focused on curricular studies, recognized by the scientific community, with a history of reviewer or author in national and/or international journals.

Art. 2. Access the journal's platform weekly to make admission of submitted manuscripts and update the designations.

Art. 3. Section Editors need to demonstrate the following requirements:

I - Produce studies and reviews of manuscripts with quality;

II - Cordiality in relation to new researchers and other professionals in the area of education, focusing on curricular studies;

III - Integrity and consistency as generators, evaluators and mentors of quality studies.

Art. 4. Section Editors manage submission evaluations and editing of those that are accepted.

I - Perform the evaluation of admission of manuscripts, making sure that it meets basic requirements to be accepted in the editorial process;

II - Be a study on curriculum;

III - Observe the completion of all metadata information;

IV - Submit the manuscript to the anti-plágio program (Ithenticate) and attach the report as a complementary document in the text metadata;

V - Scientific relevance;

VI - Language correction;

VII - Reject case of resubmission (articles already published);

VIII - Adequacy to standards and editorial policy.

IX - Verify if manuscript has information that can identify the authors.

Single paragraph. If you no longer meet any of these requirements, the original must be refused immediately, courteously.

Art. 5. Upon admission, the Section Editor must follow the criteria of the CSJ Evaluation Policy.

Art. 6. The final decision regarding the published work will always be the Editor Section, and should be based on the importance, originality, clarity and relevance of the article for the area of curricular studies.

Art. 7. The editor shall also ensure compliance with the deadlines for issuing opinions.

Art. 8. The section editor must make sure that the evaluators are using the Rec evaluation form.

Art. 9. The editor should mediate the relationship between reviewers and authors, verifying the relevance of the changes requested by those and, when appropriate, accepting the arguments of the latter not to comply with them.

Art. 10. Section Editors will sign a 2-year Term of Commitment.

Art. 11. The cases omitted from these guidelines will be evaluated by the editorial team of The Curriculum Space Journal - CSJ.