


Creativity, Technologies, Education


The present study, of a reconstructive hermeneutic approach, aims to identify the dimensions of human creativity that serve to enhance technologies in educational practices, by the bias of recognizing creative participation in the renewal of in order to rebuild teaching and learning processes. The appreciation of creativity is moving with the pedagogical ideals of renewing educational practices and can be conceived as a human potential that expands horizons of recreation and not only of applied reproduction of technical knowledge, which makes it difficult to mobilization of thinking and inhibits creative expression. We conclude that through technological resources in the classroom it is possible to act and rebuild pedagogical projects, in view of the multiple possibilities of learning and producing knowledge in the social sphere, transforming contexts and manifesting the necessary knowledge for educational practices with technologies


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Author Biographies

Adilson Cristiano Habowski, Universidade La Salle

Master's student in Education at Universidade La Sall- Canoas / RS, in the research line: Cultures, Languages ​​and Technologies in Education. Has high school in the normal modality (teaching), with qualification to act as a teacher in the areas of Early Childhood Education and Initial Series (2014); Graduation in Theology from Universidade La Sall - Canoas / RS (2017) and Specialization in Teaching in Higher Education: Educational Praxis from Universidade La Sall - Canoas / RS (2019). He has practical experience in the areas of Early Childhood Education, Initial Series and in the area of ​​School Pastoral, with an emphasis on human formation. He is mainly interested in the following themes: technology philosophy; technologies and education; critical theory; philosophy of education; hermeneutics and education; sexuality, gender and education. Participant in the Center for Studies on Technologies in Education - NETE / UNILASALLE / CNPq.

Elaine Conte, Universidade La Salle

PhD in Education from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, 2012). Professor at Universidade La Salle - UNILASALLE, Canoas, works in the Pedagogy Course and in the Postgraduate Program in Education, Research Line Cultures, Languages ​​and Technologies in Education. Leader of the Center for Studies on Technologies in Education - NETE / CNPq, with funding from CNPq and the FAPERGS First Projects Program. Graduated in Pedagogy with qualification in initial grades and pedagogical subjects from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, 2003) and master's degree in Education from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, 2005). He has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Fundamentals of Education, working mainly on the following themes: teacher training, critical theory, philosophy of education, digital technologies and education, aesthetics and performance, distance education. He is a member of the Research Ethics Committee at Universidad La Salle and the Study Group on Philosophy of Education and Teacher Training - GEFFOP / CNPq coordinated by Professor Catia Piccolo Viero Devechi (UnB).


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How to Cite

HABOWSKI, A. C.; CONTE, E. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN CREATIVITY IN QUESTION: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN CREATIVITY IN QUESTION. Revista Temas em Educação, [S. l.], v. 28, n. 3, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2359-7003.2019v28n3.46740. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.

