Memory, cultural heritage, and educational processes: Dialogues and historical reflections
cultural heritage, identity, diversity.Abstract
The relationships between memory, cultural heritage and educational processes have been problematized by the contemporary emergence of demands and positions for the defense of citizenship, democracy, decoloniality, the environment, female protagonism and the ethical and humanized use of digital technologies. Even though institutions for the safeguarding of cultural heritage, Brazilian and international, are responsible for an epistemological aspect that brings together multiple fields of knowledge, dialogues and historical reflections carried out by students, researchers, heritage educators and cultural managers who have traced different and collaborative cultures in deconstruction of hierarchies and eurocentrisms. Or thinking about the heritage, while working with the communities that we recognize and produce, teaches us to plan the educational processes that deal with the material and material inheritances with which we coexist. Thus, a myriad of possibilities allow teacher training in practical classrooms of history and cultural heritage; the processes of teaching-learning and conservation of a geopark as a natural and cultural heritage; a lexicography of a technological museum as an institution; to learning and historical awareness by visiting local and regional museums; or affective cultural heritage of women's memories about a city; the agencies of black subjects in the development of afro-diasporic memories in museums; or worship of ancestors, religion and Japanese temple as cultural heritage and the pedagogical aspects of material culture through memorials and school archives. An ecology of knowledge to happen or heart in sensitive times.
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