REC vol 13, no. 3 published


Revista Espaço do Currículo launched the third issue of 2020, vol. 13, no. 3, entitled “CURRICULUMS, TEACHING AND EVERYDAY: emancipatory possibilities in times of authoritarian regulation” organized by Professor Doctors Inês Barbosa de Oliveira (UERJ / Estácio) and Patrícia Raquel Baroni (UFRJ). The dossier promotes a debate around the relationships established between official educational policies and daily practical policies (OLIVEIRA, 2013), understanding that the latter modify, reinvent and use in their own way (CERTEAU, 1994) what is given to them for consumption. The different authors present different authoritarian regulation processes developed in the country since 2016 that are not, and could not be, capable of erasing the wealth of possibilities and curricular creations that are placed in different realities and are the object of different theoretical reflections.

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Good reading!