Publicado o vol 15, nº 3 da REC


Curriculum Space jornal (CSJ) launched vol. 15, No. 3 of 2022, in partnership with the Brazilian Curriculum Association – AbdC, entitled “WHAT WE GAIN, WHAT WE CANNOT LOSE: curricular creations and technologies in school daily life”, organized by Profas. Drs. Denize Sepulveda (UERJ) and Sandra Kretli da Silva (UFES). The dossier brings reflections on the pandemic and how it caught everyone unprepared as to how to act at different times. In educational processes, it was no different. Thus, the last issue of 2022 brought together 21 articles that enhance inventive processes in public schools, public universities and other everyday spaces.

Access the summary and check the texts:

Good reading!

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