implementation of Elementary Shool with nine years
Childhood, Curriculum, Nine-year elementary school, QuotidianAbstract
This text is an invitation to discuss the relationship between childhood and curriculum, through of students and teachers experiences from two schools in the city of Vitória (in Espírito Santo, Brazil) wich the deployment and implementation of the nine-year-long Elementary. As main objective, it aims at problematizing and discuss its consequences, with a proposal to dialogue with the guiding document "initial learning cycle project elaborated in 2010" and discuss with the practicing subjects of the school quotidian: children and teachers. The text includes authors of the curriculum and childhood such as Alves (2002; 2010), Ferraço (2005), Certeau (1994), Kohan (2003) and Larrosa (2004) who enhanced our analyses by giving visibility to the school's knowledge, valuing the knowledge of children and teachers. The school is analised from its political and desiring forces, that is, a place of clashes between the instituted formss and instituting formss. In this sense, the text will shows how this policies and practices are present in schools through the experience of children and teachers.
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