the uses under debate
Curriculum, Technologies, UsesAbstract
This article aims to pass through the trajectory of the main curriculum concepts, and address how each one was linked to a particular use of technologies. The aim is to problematize the instrumental and uncritical uses of technologies that are practiced in curriculum. In opposition to this proposal, it is argued that both curriculum and technologies can be understood through their cultural dimension, that is, the practice of meaning. Of theoretical nature, this study was developed by establishing conversation networks with Freirean thought and authors from the field of curriculum and philosophy of technology, in an attempt to problematize the main curriculum traditions and the different conceptions and uses of technology. In the end, we propose what we call techno-curricular practices, from a post-structural perspective, which can be understood as a set of curricular practices that make use of technologies, and are involved with the symbolic processes that they manufacture knowledge, meanings, existential territories, desires, and all that, permeated by power relations.
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